Quantum League, from Nimble Giant Entertainment, is a mind-bending, time-travelling FPS that uses paradoxes as a prominent mechanic. Playing Quantum League is an incredibly unique experience and one that is difficult to compare to anything else. Essentially, you compete in 1v1 or 2v2 matches and team up with past versions of yourself to win.
It’s an absolutely mind-bending principle and one that works incredibly well. Originally announced for PC, it’s now been announced for PS4, Switch and Xbox One.
The Switch version was announced during the Indie World Nintendo Direct. Nimble Giant Entertainment has also revealed that it has plans for cross-platform play.
Quantum League Switch
In Quantum League, you take part in 10-seconds of combat and then play as a new time clone of yourself and play for the same 10-seconds alongside the previous version. With knowledge of what happened in previous time loops, you can create paradoxes.
If one of your time clones dies, you can kill your killer with a later clone to prevent the first clone’s death. By doing so, the dead clone will continue on the path your recorded and could even clutch victory.
It’s a difficult game to describe, but it’s actually incredibly intuitive to play. The good news is that a second beta is coming soon with dates to be announced shortly.
Quantum League Switch will be available in 2020 alongside the PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions.