Mafia: Definitive Edition Collectibles Guide – Dime Detective

Mafia: Definitive Edition has been rebuilt from the ground up by Hangar 13. In addition to new visuals, tweaked missions, new gameplay and a game brought into 2020, Hangar 13 has added a number of Collectibles for players to find. These Mafia: Definitive Edition Collectibles are found scattered throughout missions and appear on the mini-map when you get close.

There are eight kinds of collectibles, with 117 comics, cards and postcards to be found, in addition to a number of stuffed foxes.

During missions, when you approach an area with a collectible, it will appear on your mini-map, helping you locate it not miss it as you progress. This guide will help you find and locate all Dime Detective comics.

We’ve listed them in the order we found them, which should be the same order you find them in. The game lists them in Chronological order which isn’t super helpful for finding them as you go.

Mafia: Definitive Edition – Dime Detective Locations

The first Dime Detective comic you can find is in Chapter Three, Molotov Party. When you head up to Vinnie’s armoury, after he gives you the molotovs, head behind his desk and grab the comic from the table.

The second Dime Detective is located at Clark’s Motel during the Ordinary Routine chapter. Once you get to the Motel and the cutscene finishes, head to the south of the Motel and find the comic on a wood pile.

The third Dime Detective can be found after you (finally) finish the race in Fair Play. After you stop celebrating and before you find Paulie, head west to the stalls past the celebrating fans and you’ll find the comic on a stall.

The fourth Dime Detective is located in Biff’s Pawn Shop in Chinatown during the Better Get Used to It Chapter. After you speak with Biff and learn where the thugs are hiding out, head out through the back door of the pawn shop and you’ll see the comic on a couch.

The fifth Dime Detective is located inside the Hotel Corleone during the Saint and the Sinner chapter. After you drop Sam off at the church and you head inside the hotel, go towards the staircase then head to the right. Go through the locker room and double back on yourself to go through the door and head back towards the front of the hotel.

You’ll pass behind the front desk and the Bell Boy will be taking a phone call. Take him out and grab the comic from the desk nearby.

The sixth Dime Detective is also found during The Saint and The Sinner. After you plant the bomb and escape across the rooftops before you head onto the scaffolding by using the ladder, grab the comic from the outdoor table.

The seventh Dime Detective is also found during The Saint and The Sinner. After you make your way into the church and have to chase Johnny, head to the east side of the church (behind where you start after the cutscene) and you’ll see the comic on some furniture.

The eighth Dime Detective is found during the A Trip to the Country chapter. After you make your way through the farm, find the dead driver and have the first shoothout, you’ll need to further explore the farm and look for clues as to Sam’s whereabouts.

At the north end of the farm, you’ll find a barn which you can enter in from the side. Once you go in the side door, go through the door to your right and into the very back room of the barn. A guard will be facing the wall and you’ll need to take him out. Then turn around and grab the comic from the shelf.

The ninth Dime Detective is found right at the very beginning of the Omerta chapter. After you finish speaking with Don Salieri and head over to speak with Vinnie, go behind him and you’ll find the comic on a crate.

The tenth Dime Detective is found inside the attorney’s mansion during the Visiting Rich People chapter. Once you’re inside the mansion snoop around until you find the massive library on the ground floor with a stuffed bear.

The comic can be found on a small trolley.

The eleventh Dime Detective is located inside the multi-level parking structure that you gain access to during the Great Deal Chapter. As you make your way back down the parking garage and fight your way through Morello’s goons, you’ll eventually get back to the ground floor.

Before you exit you’ll be prompted to ‘Talk to Sam.’ Before you do, head inside the office to the right of the exit and you’ll find the comic on the desk.

The twelfth Dime Detective in Mafia: Definitive Edition is found during the Happy Birthday chapter before you board the boat. Once you’re inside the docks, either before or after you speak to Sam, head to the building at the eastern side of the location. You’ll go up a couple of stairs and underneath a porch.

Next to a blocked off staircase, on a table, you’ll find the comic.

The thirteenth Dime Detective is also found during Happy Birthday but is located on the boat. Once you finally have the gun and the speech is about to begin, head upstairs and into the bridge. The captain will have left allowing you to get onto the top deck. When you do, double back around the left-hand side of the bridge.

You’ll find the comic on a crate.

The fourteenth Dime Detective in Mafia: Definitive Edition is loctaed inside the Diner with the giant cup on it in Oakwood/Downtown. You only gain access to the interior of the diner during the You Lucky Bastard chapter when you’re chasing Sergio Morello.

When you get inside, head to the far side of the diner (closest to the beach) and you’ll find the comic on a table in a booth.

The fifteenth Dime Detective is found during the Crème de la Crème chapter at the Lost Heaven Airport. Once you chase down Morello and fight your way through the first wave of goons at the airport, you’ll have to fight through a second wave inside the large hanger.

Once you deal with all the bad guys, before you head into the next section of the hangar to continue chasing Morello, look on top of some wooden tables near the door. The Dime Detective comic is on top.

Mafia: Definitive Edition Dime Detective number sixteen is found within the State Prison during Election Campaign. Once you’re inside the cell blocks you’ll need to go up to the third floor. Once there, go to the north-west corner and pull a lever on the wall.

It opens up the doors to the cell blocks which allows you to go inside the cell in the middle of the western wall and grab the comic.

The seventeenth Dime Detective is also found within the State Prison during Election Campaign. After you grab number sixteen, head through the doors to continue making your way to the Guard Tower. You’ll find yourself inside a library.

In the north-east corner of the library, you’ll find the comic on a table. Make sure you grab it before heading into the Guard Tower or you’ll miss it.

You’ll find Mafia: Definitive Edition Dime Detective number eighteen during the Just For Relaxtion chapter, inside the Federal Customs impound. Once you’re snuck inside the property and creeped around into the first warehouse, stay on the first floor and make your way over to the offices opposite where you climbed in through the window. Inside the office at the south-east of the building, you’ll find the comic on a desk.

The nineteenth Dime Detective is found during Moonlighting inside the bank. Once inside, head upstairs to get the manager and make your way around to the south side of the first floor.

Inside the open office, you’ll find the comic on a desk.

The twentieth and final Dime Detective is located inside Tommy’s house at the beginning of The Death of Art chapter. Before you leave the house to go see Paulie, go into the living room and you’ll find the comic on the coffee table.

That’s all 20 Mafia: Definitive Edition Dime Detective comics. For more help, check out the rest of our guides here.

Mafia: Definitive Edition is available now.

Leo Stevenson
Leo Stevenson
I've been playing games for the past 27 years and have been writing for almost as long. Combining two passions in the way I'm able is a true privilege. PowerUp! is a labour of love and one I am so excited to share.

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