Alongside the announcement of the current season — Season of Arrivals — Bungie recently revealed the next expansion for Destiny 2; Beyond Light. Launching in September, Beyond Light is bringing some huge new additions to Destiny 2 while also pushing the narrative forward and changing things fundamentally.
Beyond Light adds a brand-new location — Europa — and give Guardians a new element to wield; Stasis. Beyond Light also adds a brand-new Raid and focuses on the rise of the Fallen. Rallying under the banner of the Fallen Kell of Darkness, Eramis, the Fallen have gathered on Europa.
Pre-orders for Beyond Light are available now and grant players access to an Exotic Ghost Shell, Legendary Emblem and bonus digital items.
Beyond Light
Europa, the frozen moon of Jupiter, is a brand-new location for Destiny 2 and players will travel there in response to another ancient Pyramid Ship in orbit. On the surface of the planet, Guardians will need to deal with Eramis and her Fallen, all of whom have taken a path of the Darkness.
Players will explore Europa and its frozen wastes and “infiltrate the Golden Age Braytech facility.”
Since Destiny launched, players have only had access to three elements; Void, Arc and Solar. In Beyond Light, for the first time since launch, players will gain access to a new element; Stasis. Stasis is not an element of the Light though. Instead, it’s a power of the Darkness and Titans, Warlocks and Hunters will each wield Stasis differently, much like the existing powers.
Bungie is promising more details on Stasis closer to launch.
A brand-new Raid, Deep Stone Crypt, will launch as part of Beyond Light too.
For decades it has remained dormant. Guardians will test their skill and teamwork in this brand new six-person raid, where glorious rewards await.
Finally, Bungie gave us some details on Eramis and the Fallen.
The splintered houses of the Fallen have rallied and built their new empire on Europa, united under the banner of the Fallen Kell of Darkness, Eramis. Abandoned by the Traveler and left by the Light, Eramis is on her own journey into the Darkness, and towards a collision course with Guardians.
Pre-orders are open now and come in a range of shapes and sizes.
Destiny 2: Beyond Light Digital Deluxe Edition
The Destiny 2: Beyond Light Digital Deluxe Edition will be available to pre-order on all platforms:
- Destiny 2: Beyond Light Expansion + Full Year of Seasonal Content (4 Seasons Total)
- With pre-order: Exotic Rimed Ghost Shell and Legendary Emblem
- Freeze Tag Exotic Emote
- No Time to Explain Exotic Pulse Rifle with Exotic Catalyst and Ornament
- Any Other Sky Exotic Sparrow

Destiny 2: Beyond Light Collector’s Edition
The Destiny 2: Beyond Light Collector’s Edition will only be available from the Bungie Store:
- Beyond Light Digital Deluxe Edition (digital code only)
- Die-Cast Splinter of Darkness Replica with lights
- Europa Explorer’s Bag
- Europa Exploration Canteen
- Mysterious Logbook
- Plus other discoveries from Europa
Beyond Light launches for Destiny 2 on September 23.