DOOM Eternal, the follow-up to DOOM 2016 puts players back in the shoes of the Doom Slayer. This time, the forces of Hell have invaded earth and it’s up to you to save humanity. You won’t just be fighting demons on earth though, as DOOM Eternal takes you on a massive adventure across all manner of realms and universes.
DOOM 2016 largely took place on Mars and in Hell. However, DOOM Eternal shakes things up with most missions in the game heading to a new location.
Like DOOM 2016, DOOM Eternal uses a mission-based structure with missions ranging in length, size and difficulty. So, just how many mission are in DOOM Eternal?
Let’s take a look.
How Many Missions

Before you go any further, the list of missions below has the name given in the game which might include some spoilers, so, if you’re averse to any kind of spoiler just know that there are 13 Missions in DOOM Eternal.
Right, so there are 13 missions in DOOM Eternal and, in order, they are;
- Hell on Earth
- Exultia
- Cultist Base
- DOOM Hunter Base
- Super Gore Nest
- Arc Complex
- Mars Core
- Sentinel Prime
- Taras Nabad
- Nekravol
- Nekravol – Part II
- Urdak
- Final Sin
Periodically, throughout the campaign, you’ll also be able to explore the Fortress of Doom which acts as the game’s hub. In the Fortress of Doom, you can unlock cosmetics, view character models, listen to unlocked music and more.
While there are 13 missions, it’s difficult to get a gauge of how long the game is. We played on Ultra-Violence and over the course of the 13 missions, it took about 20 hours to complete. However, that included searching for all collectibles and secrets as well as completing all Slayer Gates, Secret Combat Encounters and unlocking every door on the Fortress of Doom.
On average, it should take between 13 and 15 hours to complete the campaign, longer if you’re a completionist.
DOOM Eternal is available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One. A Switch release will come later.