Home News Blair Witch hits retail in Australia on January 31

Blair Witch hits retail in Australia on January 31

Blair Witch hits retail in Australia on January 31

For all of you fans of physical media, Bloober Team and Koch have announced that last year’s horror title Blair Witch will be getting a physical release. At the end of this month, January 31, a Blair Witch physical release will be available for both PS4 and Xbox One. Released on August 30, 2019, Blair Witch is a first-person horror title based on the series of films.

In our review, Andrew Harrison wrote;

Blair Witch is a magical continuation of the movies, making reference back to them in the opening sequence. Bloober Team, the developers behind Layers Of Fear, another great psychological horror franchise has done a bang-up job on Blair Witch

Set in 1996, Blair Witch puts players in the shoes of a former police officer who joins the search for a missing boy.

Blair Witch Physical

Retailing at $49.95 AUD, Blair Witch includes the full game and the Good Boy Pack. This pack includes;

new dog skins; new in-game cellphone games, wallpapers, and content; and new animations for Bullet – making him even more realistic

Blair Witch launches at retail on January 31 on PS4 and Xbox One.