Gears of War fans have plenty of reason to be excited as Gears 5 is here. Starring Kait Diaz, Del Walker, JD Fenix and, of course, Marcus Fenix, the latest entry in the franchise continues the story established in Gears of War 4. Set 25-years or so after Gears of War 3, it was revealed that the Locust didn’t die and had instead evolved into the Swarm.
In Gears 5, Kait is seeking answers to her lineage, especially her connection to the Locust. Humanity is facing all-out war with the Swarm and maybe figuring out who Kait is, holds the key to stopping the Swarm once and for all.
As is standard in Gears of War, Gears 5 has collectibles for players to find in most chapters.
This guide is for Act 4, Chapter 1 – Homefront.
Gears 5 Collectibles

Act 4, Chapter 1 is the last chapter to have collectibles and there are only four in total. You can find the first after you head upstairs into the derelict building.
As you go into a room with desks separating the two halves, you’ll find a book on the floor on the right-hand side.

The second collectible is located as you exit the Barracks and make it back to the road. Off in the distance, you’ll see battles going on, flocks and aircraft flying overhead and you’ll need to head to the left to continue the level.
However, to get this collectible, instead of heading to the left, go to the right and you’ll come to a sheer cliff face where the road has dropped away.
On the left-hand side of this cliff face is the second collectible.

The third collectible is located just outside the Tomb. Before you head in, go past the door and continue past the shell of a car.
Turn around to face the front of the car. Leaning up against the car is a slab of concrete and on the concrete is the third collectible.

The last collectible is located right outside the door to the Tomb.
Just before you go in, look to the right of the door and you’ll see a poster.
Grab that poster and you’ll have found the last collectible in the game.

That’s it for Act 4, Chapter 1.
Gears 5 is available for PC and Xbox One.