I recently visited Ubisoft to go hands-on with Rainbow Six Siege’s new Operation Ember Rise content. In addition to getting acquainted with the new content, I had to chance to play as new Attacker Amaru.
Azucena Rocío “Amaru” Quispe was a member of Peru’s Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP) before “reorienting as a freelance archeologist focussed on the discovery and categorisation of new archaeological sites.
“After several run-ins with antiquities traffickers, and failed attempts to bring them down from within, she turned to guerrilla tactics in order to seize important cultural discoveries for the Peruvian State.”
As discussed in my hands-on, Amaru’s ability is her Garra hook. Wielded as a separate weapon, Amaru can use the Garra hook to grapple onto ledges and through windows. Amaru is also the first operator to be able to move upwards through skylights and hatches.
Operation Ember Rise Amaru
One big drawback of Amaru’s Garra hook is the fact that while you’re using it, you have no means of defending yourself. In fact, you don’t even draw your weapon until Amaru’s feet have touched the ground.
This means that if you grapple into enemy territory, you may be gunned down on the spot. However, Brandon ‘Raven’ Langiano, the coach and manager for Oddity Esports already has some ideas about how teams can use existing operators with Amaru.
The idea of combining [Amaru] with Dokkaebi I think is really cool because you’ll have that audible Intel. If someone’s in the room, you kind of know they’re there.
Likewise with Lion, it could be really good because if you know they’re around a corner, if you can use the scan, you could then breach through that window and rush them.
Langiano is particularly excited to see the combination of Amaru and Dokkaebi, in light of the latter operator’s increasing utility in each season of Siege.

In Operation Ember Rise, Amaru can be equipped with the G8A1 Light Machine Gun or the Supernova Shotgun. Her secondary options are ITA125 Shotgun or the SMG11 Sub-machine gun and she can carry a breach charge or claymore.
Amaru is a two armour, two speed operator.
Finally, according to her bio, “When timed right, hooking the Garra onto a window can result in Amaru’s infamous Garra Kick, which instantly takes out an opponent standing behind the window.”
I wasn’t able to pull off any Garr Kicks myself, but I did successfully burst into a room or two and open fire with the Supernova, which is an insane shotgun. In the right hands, Amaru is really deadly, especially when combined with other operators who know what they’re doing.
Amaru’s bio states;
Specialist Azucena Rocío “Amaru” Quispe began her career as an anthropologist concerned with the preservation of Peru’s shared cultural heritage. Her unique familial link to colonial explorers of the early 20th century gave her uncommon insight into both how voyages of discovery can shape cultural consciousness, and into the deep and abiding loss created when a shared cultural touchstone is lost.
She served for several years in the Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP), before reorienting as a freelance archeologist focussed on the discovery and categorisation of new archaeological sites. After several run-ins with antiquities traffickers, and failed attempts to bring them down from within, she turned to guerrilla tactics in order to seize important cultural discoveries for the Peruvian State.
When Specialist César “Goyo” Ruiz Hernández made us aware of her presence, she had already spent some 20-odd years in the jungles of Peru, fighting the cartels on her own terms.
She will be available when Operation Ember Rise launches for Rainbow Six Siege.
Leo Stevenson attended an Operation Ember Rise preview event as a guest of Ubisoft. Travel costs were paid for by Ubisoft.