Straight up, Final Fantasy 7 is still good. And on Switch? Well, buckle up for this here Final Fantasy 7 Switch review.
Everyone fella and his mutt knows about Final Fantasy 7 and there’s a good reason for it. There’s actually a bunch of reasons and I’m gonna write ‘em up for you.
The quest of Cloud Strife is an absolute classic. He’s a rude dude AND the real deal. He’s got the biggest sword and all the boys are green with envy. Every babe that crosses his path is keen on more than his hot bod. He’s got strong morals and vibrant blue eyes enhanced with the power of the planet’s energy.
What’s not to like?
Final Fantasy 7 Switch Review

All of the characters have drawn strong emotional responses from me as I played through. A little of it is nostalgia but I was only two when Final Fantasy 7 first came out. Long before the Nintendo Switch was a thing. I’ve never finished the game before and at the ripe old age of 24 is the first time I’ve ever made it to the world map.
Big Bad Barret made me shoot in my pants for the first time when I was like seven because the man is three times bigger than anyone else, swears like a sailor at mardi gras and has a Gatling gun for a hand.
Tifa throws ‘bows like Connor McGregor and slings frosty beers in the slums of Sector Seven.
Red the dog is a talking dog! I mean, what’s not to love about that?
The Original Emo

Final Fantasy 7 was well written in ’97 and I’m enjoying reading it in ’19.
However, The best writing isn’t witnessed in the character and dialogue but on the music sheets.
Composer Nobuo Uematsu swings a baton like antagonist Sephiroth swings a sword. The celebration fanfare when you defeat an enemy is a sweet little riff I’ve been whistling/humming/shouting my whole life.
The noodlin’ synth goodness that comes directly after the fanfare is so enjoyable I found myself waiting at the results screen after fights for minutes at a time. I’m not complaining about the gameplay either the music just kicks booty bum butt cheeks.

Final Fantasy is the series that brought JRPGs to the western world and Final Fantasy 7 is the instalment that popularised it. If anyone hasn’t been acquainted with the genre well you should know grinding and outrageous haircuts are big staples.
Fantasy themes are still rife but this is definitely a start to the series trend toward Sci-Fi. Floating cities, evil scientists, real big dystopian cities littered with reactors etc. There’s still plenty of classic monsters, swords and distressed damsels though.
I don’t think I would have enjoyed Final Fantasy 7 Switch as much without the added 3x speed feature. I haven’t touched the ‘no-encounters’ or ‘auto limit-break’ buttons yet and I don’t want too. But there are a few points in the game that are wildly long and repetitive.
If you mess up escaping the train right at the start you’ll be walking for a long-ass time. When you get to Shinra Tower, don’t try to sneak around the back. Pump through the front door or you’ll be climbing the same rendering of a stairwell till FFXXII comes out
I’ve seriously enjoyed this game though.
It’s pretty dated but there’s still plenty on offer.
I love all the weird little mini-games…except for timing the jump onto the cable when ascending Shinra Tower. That was seriously rough.
I REALLY love how much storyline is crammed between big scenes. Any chance you get to wander off and explore you better take it. There’s a huge story sitting on the silver platter in the middle of the dining hall, but all the snacks and people you meet around the party making the game memorable.
The graphics didn’t bother me at all and I thought the pre-rendered backgrounds looked great but it can be a bit tough trying to find out where to walk to sometimes. I’m not sure if they added in more frames or what but when the game is running in triple time the animation looks smooth like Tennessee whiskey.
Once again, the portability of the Switch is sweet like strawberry wine. Which means, Final Fantasy 7 on Switch is probably the best way to play it, until the remake.
Final Fantasy 7 was reviewed on Switch using a digital code provided by Square Enix.
PowerUp! Reviews

Game Title: Final Fantasy 7