With the announcement of Trine 4 and Trine Ultimate Collection coming to Nintendo Switch it’s only natural to wonder how the game will perform on Nintendo’s console. Lots of games are being released on Switch on day one, alongside the PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions. Some are a 1:1 translation, albeit with some graphical downgrades, and others are a wholly different game. We wanted to know which one Trine 4 was so we went straight to the source.
Speaking with Frozenbyte’s Marketing Manager Kai Tuovinen we asked how the Switch performs and how it compares to other platforms.
On PS4 and Xbox One, Trine 4 will run at 60fps no problem and on PC the framerate will depend on your PC.
Trine 4 Switch Framerate

As for the Trine 4 Switch framerate, it’ll be 30fps in both docked and handheld modes. Tuovinen also gave us some information about the game’s resolution on Switch.
The Switch version runs at 30fps in docked (1080p) and portable modes (720p)
Tuovinen stressed that Frozenbyte is really pleased with how Trine 4 plays and look across all platforms. “It is gorgeous on all of them,” he said.
We recently went hands-on with Trine 4 and wrote;
Aside from the incredibly polished gameplay, Trine 4 is stunningly gorgeous. The visuals look ripped straight from a storybook and are bright, colourful and overflowing with whimsy.
Trine 4 and Ultimate Collectionwill be available for PC, PS4, Switch and Xbox One on October 8.