Wargaming has announced the special Big Boss Mode coming to World of Tanks Blitz in February. Occurring twice throughout the month, players will have the chance to take part in this special, RPG-like mode. Running first from February 3 through February 6 and then again from February 10 through February 13, Big Boss Mode turns World of Tanks Blitz on its head and radically changes the way it’s played.
Big Boss Mode features 7v7 PvP battles where team members are randomly assigned roles, each with their own unique abilities and powers. One member of each team becomes the Boss who is given a 30% bump to their damage and speed, 50% faster reloads and four times as much health.
The Boss can also push and damage enemy tanks with the Blast Wave ability and their passive Megashot ability allows them to damage multiple tanks in a line.
World of Tanks Blitz – Big Boss Mode
The remainder of the team will be assigned the roles of Regenerator, Catalyst, Bomber and Graviton. Each of these tanks has infinite respawns where players will switch between the available roles, while the Boss can only respawn twice and the player must remain the Boss until the end. All four of the support tanks have five upgradeable levels to unlock which inprove their abilities and power.
Destroying the Boss awards five points and every other tank is with one. The first team to score 30 points is crowned the winner.
Big Boss Mode can be played in any Tier V to Tier X vehicle. For players who haven’t unlocked one of these tanks yet, a special Big Boss quest is available. Complete it between January 27 and February 13 and you’ll earn a T67 (Tier V) tank permanently.
Win 1 of 5 Bonus Codes
Thanks to Wargaming, we have five bonus codes for Big Boss Mode to giveaway. Each code is valued at $25 USD and gives players;
- Premium Pass
- 25 Unlocked Levels
- Special Avatar
For your chance to win one of these codes, just complete the entry below.
Win 1 of 5 Big Boss Mod bonus codes for World of Tanks BlitzBig Boss Mode will be available in World of Tanks Blitz from February 3 through February 6 and February 10 through February 13.