It’s been two years since Marvel juggernaut and Spider-man creator Stan Lee passed away. Lee appeared widely in Marvel-related properties over the years including the original Spider-man games on PS1, MCU films and more. His passing hasn’t stopped Insomniac Games from including Lee in Spider-man Miles Morales and his appearance is a fitting tribute.
In Spider-man, Peter Parker and Mary-Jane Watson meet up at Mick’s Diner and it turns out Mick is none other than Stan Lee himself. In Spider-man Miles Morales, you’re able to visit Mick’s Diner and pay respects to “Mick.”
Doing so will unlock the Best Fries in Town trophy and probably make you a little misty.
Spider-man Miles Morales – Stan Lee Cameo

To find Mick’s Diner and the statue, head to the Upper West Side. The Diner is located roughly in the centre of the Upper West Side, closer to the eastern side near Central Park. Mick’s Diner is on the north side of the street and right outside you’ll see the statue of Mick/Stan.
Interact with the statue to unlock the tophy and a sweet speech from Miles.
It’s a nice way to pay tribute to Spider-man’s creator and the man who helped make Marvel what it is today.
Spider-man Miles Morales will launch for PS4 and PS5 on November 12, 2020.