…sort of.
Given that Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck takes place inside Krieg’s mind, the Maya that appears in the DLC is just the version of Maya Krieg imagines. In fact, 2K and Gearbox have stated that inside Krieg’s mind, players will “Experience the world as Krieg sees it, including his perception of fan-favorite characters like Maya – the light of his twisted life.”
In the trailer, in addition to Maya, we see Brick as a bizarre, mutant zombie looking guy, which seems to cast him as a bad guy, maybe even a boss, which could be cool.
Borderlands 3 Maya

Krieg first met Maya on Pandora and became smitten with her, exiling himself to the Pandoran wastes after the Crimson Raiders’ dealing with Handsome Jack. Given Krieg’s dealings with the Crimson Raiders and his interactions with fan favourite characters, it’s going to be interesting to see which others appear in his mind and what forms they take.
Psycho Krieg and the Fantastic Fustercluck is coming to Borderlands 3 on September 10 and is part of the Season Pass.