Now that you have Zombie Army 4 in your hot little hands, you’re probably going to want to collect all the hidden collectibles right? Of course, you are! That’s half of the fun…That being said, there are a tonne of collectibles in Zombie Army 4 and finding them all takes some work. Lucky for you, we’ve done all the hard work for you and have put together these handy guides to show you where everything in.
Overall, there are nine levels in Zombie Army 4 and each has four chapters except for the first and last levels which have three and one respectively.
Levels contain between five and 18 collectibles with most having 17. So, let’s get to it with Death Canal – Ghosts and Gondolas.
Zombie Army 4 Collectibles – Death Canal – Ghosts and Gondolas.
Zombie Army 4 Collectibles – Death Canal – Ghosts and Gondolas
In the video above, you can see where to find the five collectibles in this chapter. There is one Comic, one Document, one Upgrade Kit, Heroic Action and one Zombie Hand.
Your first collectible can be found by going to the left as you exit the safe room. Ignore the objective marker and go through an alleyway. You’ll be attacked by a group of zombies. Once they’re gone, go left and to a set of stairs leading into the water.
Go down and into the water and through a hole in the fence. Take a left and on a bench, you’ll find an Upgrade Kit.
After you deal with the flamer, follow the marker until you go up some stone steps. Before you go through the stone arch, go right and inside the building. Inside, you’ll find a document on a crate in the corner.
Eventually, you’ll come to a section that introduces the special zombies that frenzy the others. You have to shoot them in the heart to kill them. Once that’s taken care of, go toward the far end of the long room and take a right. Take another right and you’ll be in a dark area with some beds. Look at the floor and you’ll see a Zombie Hand following a rat.
Before you speak to Dutton in the next section, go to the far right corner. Go up and into the building here and you’ll find a comic on a box at the end of some bunks.
Finally, after the onslaught of zombies, continue through the level. When you reach a bridge on your right, keep going and follow the path until you find a soldier being attacked. Save him for a Heroic Action.
Zombie Army 4 is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.