Wamai is the new defender included in Rainbow Six Siege’s Operation Shifting Tides expansion. Recruited by Kali to work in her Private Military Company, Wamai is a defender that could replace Jager thank to his Mag-NET gadget and its ability to disrupt enemy projectiles.
Wamai differs from Jager in that the latter cancels gameplay. Wamai distorts it.
Wamai is a two speed, two armour operator who loves the water and grew up in a fishing village in Kenya. His childhood was spent hunting sharks and collecting treasures from the ocean floor.
Shifting Tides Wamai

Wamai’s name is Ngũgĩ Muchold Furaha, he’s 28 years old and was born in Kenya.
As for Wamai, players have been asking for an alternative to Jager for some time and Team Rainbow has finally delivered. His Magnetic Neutralising Electronic Targeting System or Mag-NET system is a gadget that sticks to surfaces and will act on any attacker projectile that passes within its radius.
The Mag-NET stops the projectile, resets its timer, pulls the projectile towards itself and the projectile detonates at the Mag-NET’s location. Finally, the Mag-NET itself explodes. Each Mag-NET can only grab on projectile and the projectiles will still go off. This means Flash Grenades will still flash and Frag grenades will still explode. However, they go off at the Mag-NET’s location and not where the attacker intended.

The Mag-NET is fairly powerful but it doesn’t affect Hibana’s X-Kairos Pellets or Twitch’s Shock Drone Charges. The actual Mag-NET device can be destroyed pretty easily if attackers spot them but how they differ from Jager and many other gadgets is that Wamai gains them gradually over the round.
The same way that Legion accrues Gu mines, Wamai gets Mag-NET charges.
Wamai can be equipped with the AUG A2 or MP5K and the P12 orRHINO D-40 and can bring Barbed Wire or a Deployable Shield into battle. Wamai is a very useful operator and is especially useful in disrupting the enemy, turning the tide of battle against them and causing chaos.
He will be available when Operation Shifting Tides launches.
Leo Stevenson attended an Operation Shifting Tides event as a guest of Ubisoft. Travel costs were provided by Ubisoft.