If you’ve read our review of Remnant: From the Ashes, you know we felt very fondly of it. Any new content for the game is more than welcome. Well – good news everyone! – new content is coming our way very soon, with two new free updates that will make fans very happy.
Set to release on September 12, Gunfire Games has prepared “Adventure Mode”. Here, players that have completed the game will now be able to re-roll certain biomes within the game without having to re-roll the campaign. This means that players can choose to re-roll Ruined Earth, Rhom, and Yaesha from the World Stone in World 13.
Doing so allows players to farm certain bosses for specific drops, or simply to replay through certain areas.
Remnant: From the Ashes Adventure Mode

This also means that players will maintain all of their progress, finally allowing the ability to collect everything that the game has to offer with a single character.
A week later, on September 19, a new Dungeon will be released. Titled “Leto’s Lab”, players will explore Research Station Alpha in the Ruined Earth biome. Not only will this provide players with new puzzles and a new boss to battle, but it will also shed new light on the backstory, which should make lore fans very excited.
Remnant: From the Ashes is available on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4.