World of Warcraft Day Three Results – Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) Spring Finals

Wow! What a day of Mythic Dungeons. With only three games left to play before a champion is crowned. Day three promised to be epic. And it certainly didn’t disappoint. We saw a new map choice in King’s Rest, teams obviously hiding strategies until the final day.

With most games being complete 2-0 sweeps, we saw our first three map showdown and an absolute blitz of a Grand Final.

Match 1: Team D vs Abrakeydabra

Team D spent all of day two fighting through the lower bracket and it was clear they weren’t giving up any time soon. King’s Rest was the first map of the day. With the Tyrannical, Sanguine & Volcanic affixes, it was a difficult one. Most of the fights in King’s Rest take place in small corridors or chambers.

The combination of tight hallways and affixes that take up lots of room proved a tricky obstacle for teams. Team D had clearly been practising, both teams making minor mistakes but Team D maintained a narrow lead all map. It looked as if Team D could push all the way to the Finals if they kept their form.

King’s rest, tomb of the first Troll King

The second map was a different story. Heading back down into The Underrot, Abrakeydabra opted to do it as The Horde. Breaking from the dominant Alliance focused Meta. Abrakeydabra were pinning their hopes on the Blood Elf racial abilities to give them an edge.

Both sides had a clean run with 0 deaths, but Abrakeydabra was just that bit faster. With more efficient pulls, Abrakeydabra’s experience on the main stage showed. Team D was just unable to close the gap enough to overtake their opponents. With Abrakeydabra securing map two, we go to Siege of Boralus and our first three map match.

There was lots of hype surrounding the third map, as both teams elected to move away from the standard Meta line-ups. Team D entered the dungeon as Horde, saving those Blood Elf Arcane Torrents to counter Commander debuffs. Meanwhile, Abrakeydabra swap DrJay, the team Captain, onto a mage while Swag moves from a Monk to a Rogue.

Both teams entered into this difficult map with entirely different strategies. It was Abrakeydabra who produced the goods. Team D suffered a poorly timed healer death as they pulled the boss, resulting in a team wipe. To make matters worse, they used their Bloodlust as they pulled meaning they had no damage buff as they entered the fight.

The second boss was half dead on Abrakeydabra’s run before Team D defeated their first boss. Siege of Boralus spelt doom for Team D, seeing them removed from the tournament. But Abrakeydabra’s day was just getting started. They would be facing Method NA next after a very short break.

Match 2: Method NA vs Abrakeydabra

The Lower Bracket Final, on the line, is a shot at Method EU for the big money as well as an invite to Blizzcon. Waycrest Manor would be the first battleground as these familiar teams prepared for war. It was clear for all to see that Method NA was getting inside their own heads.

They’ve been in this spot countless times, but a sloppy 9 death run is not the Method NA we’ve seen lately. They admitted that their preparation for Waycrest Manor was minimal, and it showed. The only saving grace for Method NA was Abrakeydabra wiping on the second boss then stalling over the third boss, Raal the Gluttonous.

Raal the Gluttonous, eagerly awaiting his next meal

Fatigue was setting in, teams practising in their downtime between games and a crammed schedule was taking its toll. Map two moves to Freehold, with everyone wondering if Abrakeydabra could do it again. Come back from one map down and secure that finals spot.

Method NA raced ahead getting the first boss down nice and quick, with Abrakeydabra breathing down their necks. It was neck and neck all dungeon. Abrakeydabra took the lead at the second boss, downing it much quicker than Method NA before storming off to the third boss.

Precision and timing were on Method NA’s side, as they caught up and took a couple of seconds lead. Both teams rolled into Harlan Sweete around the same time, Abrakeydabra holding a small lead.

The difference a single Trash mob can make

Both teams belting down the boss with similar timing. Just as the boss dies on Abrakeydabra’s side, team Captain Drjay dies. Abrakeydabra only needs to make up 1% of the remaining trash kills. With one damage player down, Method NA was able to finish the boss, having completed their 100% trash requirement earlier.

A handful of seconds was the difference between victory and defeat. Method Na will need to be on top of their game if they are to stand a chance against Method EU in the Grand Final.

Match 3: Method EU vs Method NA

A replay of the Upper Bracket Final, most people saw this coming. Both of these squads are no stranger to seeing each other in the finals. With a flawless undefeated run, it looked as if no one could topple Method EU. The finals would be a best-of-five, meaning a depth of knowledge and dungeon experience would be required.

The question on everyone’s lips was, would fatigue claim Method NA as it had other teams that fought through the lower bracket?

Both Method teams stuck to a tried and tested line-up for the Grand Final. The time for tricks or experimental strategies had passed. Method EU opted to start Siege of Boralus as Alliance, while Method NA used a Horde strategy. In earlier interviews, Method NA stated that they have drilled Siege of Boralus a lot and believe their Horde side to be strongest.

Also, the Blood Elf Racial skills help break open some troublesome enemies. It was unclear who was ahead for a majority of the first map. With Method NA getting the first boss down while Method EU farmed trash monsters to get better control of the upcoming fights.

That was the running theme all dungeon, Method NA engaged and defeated bosses faster but sacrificed the trash clearance requirement. Speed trumped thoroughness in the end. Method NA shocked everyone by winning map one in the best-of-five against the previously flawlessly undefeated Method EU.

Stern looks and furrowed brows on the side of Method EU, cheers and high-fives on the side of Method NA. The indestructible Titans of the MDI were looking a little vulnerable as the teams entered map two, King’s Rest. We saw teams struggle earlier with the affixes on King’s Rest.

The consensus is that Method EU is the most drilled and innovative team. Both squads were neck-and-neck all run. Finishing the first boss at the exact same time, with Method NA only seconds slower on the second boss. Staggered deaths to the bleed effects from the Spectral Bezerkers caused Method EU all sorts of strife.

At the same time Method NA was fighting the final boss, King Dazar. Entering the final obstacle of King’s Rest with 0 deaths and Bloodlust available. There was nothing that could stop Method NA winning, short of their healer and team Captain JB dropping dead due to bad positioning.

Fortunately, JB had a great read on the situation and led his team to a second map win. One map away from claiming the title of Mythic Dungeon International Spring Final Champions.

It’s all love inside Method, both team captains share a hug after the match

The tilt has set in for Method EU by now. Their poise and confidence damaged as they entered into Shrine of the Storm. Uncharacteristically behind their opponents Method NA by minutes on every stage of the dungeon. We saw Method EU demolish Method NA in the Upper Bracket Finals on day two.

It appears that Method EU beat themselves in map three, having a near on team wipe during the first pull of the dungeon. Method EU never stabilised, while Method NA went from strength to strength. Invigorated from their warm-up games vs Abrakeydabra and their early lead in the final.

We saw a team playing with confidence and precision. Method NA won the third and final map of the Grand Final. Getting that big cash-money prize, but more importantly the bragging rights.

That’s it for the Mythic Dungeon International Spring Finals. Please join me in congratulating Method NA for their amazing performance. All teams played exceptionally and even to make it to this stage is a testament to their skill and teamwork. World of Warcraft is a game that promotes camaraderie, you can’t beat the dungeon alone. It’s a game best enjoyed with friends.

That was made very clear during an emotional interview with Method NA’s Captain, JB, who was bursting with pride and love for his teammates. Method NA has been crowned the champions, but it’s far from all over. Both Method squads will be looking to the next tournament, the next challenge and the next inevitable showdown.

With both squads securing their invite to BlizzCon, we are certain to see a rematch soon. The MDI Spring Finals have been an absolute delight to watch, and honour as an Australian to host the finals here in Sydney.

I’m hyped up to log on and run some mythic dungeons with my friends and I just can’t wait for BlizzCon later in the year.

Jamie Sherlock
Jamie Sherlock
Gamer, writer & sports enthusiast. I'm interested in all things RPG and stats. I believe fantasy sports teams is just DnD for the guys who made fun of kids who like DnD, but that doesn't stop me from participating in either hobbies. Unashamed Blizzard & Wizards of the Coast fanboy, if you got a problem with that you best roll initiative punk!

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