To celebrate 10-years of Minecraft, Microsoft has announced Minecraft Earth. A free-to-play augmented reality mobile game, Minecraft Earth is part of the 10-year anniversary celebration.
Minecraft Earth, like Pokémon GO and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, sees players exploring the real world to find digital goodies.
Additionally, in Minecraft Earth, players will encounter mobs from the main game as well as some brand-new ones that Microsoft will announce later.
Minecraft Earth

When players go out in the real world and explore using Minecraft Earth, they’ll be able to find clusters of blocks, chesys or mobs called Tappables. There are also Adventures to be had in which the real world becomes a mine for you to pilfer.
Players may find that there are diamonds underfoot, skeletons in the park or Minecraft trees lining the street. Collecting and fighting will earn players experience which can be used to level up.
It’s not just Adventures and mobs though, players will be able to build their own permanent creations by using Build Plates. Build Plates allow creations to be built in small tabletop-sized environments and give players a 360-degree view.
Once in the real world, Build Plates can be placed and creations can be experienced at a life-size scale.

Social Multiplayer is also the name of the game. Anyone with an AR-capable smartphone and the game is able to play together.
According to Microsoft;
The game blends state-of-the-art Microsoft technology like Azure Spatial Anchors AR tracking and PlayFab integration to bring the Minecraft Earth experience to life.
A closed beta will be launched later this year. To register your interest for the beta you need to head to the sign-up website.