BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! is a perfect addition to the Switch’s library. With its roots on 3DS, BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! is best played in handheld mode and is a game designed to keep its players occupied while on the go.
This new release in the franchise includes BoxGirl as well as BoxBoy and players are able to switch between the two on the fly. Even better, as there are two characters, a huge, co-operative two-player mode has been added.
BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! gives you a single-player campaign, a co-op campaign and a third, special campaign starring Qudy; the long one. There is so much content in BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! and it features some of the best, most innovative puzzles in the series so far.
BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! Review
When you being, the levels and puzzles are incredibly simple, which is really my only complaint with BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!. Having played the other games in the series, being forced to slowly work my way up to the more difficult puzzles was a little frustrating.
That being said, the puzzles are still satisfying to solve and are so short that having to do some easy ones isn’t the worst thing.
As you progress, you learn new abilities and unlock new ways to explore and solve puzzles. Of these, my new favourite is undoubtedly the zero-g sections. Here, you can solve puzzles without ever having to fully create a block if you’re clever enough. Instead, you can extend boxes outwards and push them against walls to create inertia and soar through the level like a bird.
Fun, Fun, Fun
Sparingly using boxes is a core part of the experience as you’re required to use a minimum to fully complete the levels and unlock all the bonus content. The more you earn, the more you can purchase extra content in the shop.
I wasn’t often stumped or unable to finish a level in one go, but there were quite a few that required me to tackle multiple times before I finished by using minimum boxes and while collecting all crowns.
The co-op mode, while playable by one player, is best played with two people in couch co-op. Sitting next to someone, each trying to work out the puzzles and making sure you work together is tonnes of fun. And, usually, one, or both of you will mess up leading to laugh and a blame game.
No! My Box!
The puzzles are simple and short too, so I never found that we were stuck for too long or ended up frustrated by the lack of progress.
Finally, you also get access to Qudy’s campaign. This special set of levels gives players a different challenge and is a nice change of pace from the other modes.
All-in-all, BoxBoy! + BoxGirl! is a wonderful game and definitely one that should be included in every Switch owners library.
BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!was reviewed on Switch using a digital code provided by Nintendo.
PowerUp! Reviews

Game Title: BoxBoy! + BoxGirl!