Wargaming has announced it has added the first-ever Aussie commander to World of Warships. Launched on 9 March 2023, Matilda Kelly joins World of Warships alongside the Commonwealth light cruiser, Brisbane.
Matilda and Brisbane join World of Warships as part of a special “themed adventure” which runs until 19 April 2023. In this special event, players must “follow the path of an Australian bushranger who is trying to reach the mythical continent of Mu by means of a legendary ship – Brisbane.”
Completing the missions as part of the adventure will reward players with pirate tokens, a temporary currency, which is spent on unlocking Matilda Kelly and Brisbane.
World of Warships Aussie Commander

Wargaming describes the adventure as follows;
The story begins in 19th century Australia. Infamous privateer-turned-pirate, Matilda Kelly, has been apprehended following an ambitious yet unsuccessful raid on a Royal Navy man ‘o war and sentenced to life in an Australian penal colony. Join Matilda as she braves her way through the continent in search of a legendary ship which is said to help escaped convicts to reach safe haven. Destination—the mythical continent of Mu.
Players are able to take part in the adventure and follow Matilda’s journey by clicking the various pins along the map. Each pin will provide players with missions to be claimed that move the story forward and on completing missions, players will be rewarded with Pirate Tokens. As mentioned, the tokens can be spent to unlock Brisbane and Matilda, alongside other special content.
Brisbane “was a light cruiser project developed after the end of World War II, with more powerful and advanced air defense, and is armed with ten dual-purpose 152-mm main battery guns with a good rate of fire,” Wargaming said. While it will only be available for Pirate Tokens during the event, Brisbane will be added in a future update and will be purchasable with doubloons.
World of Warships is available now for PC.