Last week, Bungie announced a tonne of stuff for Destiny 2. Not only did it announce the next expansion — Beyond Light — it also revealed the new season — Season of Arrivals — which is live now. Season of Arrivals continues Bungie’s push to drive the Destiny 2 narrative through continued updates and expansions.
Beyond Light and Season of Arrivals are intrinsically linked and finally start to deliver on the long awaited Pyramid Ships. The moon of Io will become the first location to see the arrival of a Pyramid Ship which will kick off events leading up to and beyond Beyond Light.
As it’s already live, players will have experienced what Season of Arrivals has to offer, but if not, let’s go through it.
Season of Arrivals
Available right now in Season of Arrivals is a new Dungeon, new Public Event on Io, new lore and Messages of Darkness, new rewards through the Focusing System and new Gear.
There is a new Season Pass track to unlock and Season Pass holders will instantly unlock the Witherhoard Exotic Grenade Launcher and Seasonal Armour. Season Pass Holders also gain access to a new weekly missions, new Exotic Weapon quiest, bonus XP and more.
The new Dungeon, Prophecy, grants players access to the DAITO Foundry Armour and reprised Trials of the Nine armout sets. Messages of Darkness can be found all over Io and by travelling to thew Cradle, Guardians may be able to decipher these hidden messages.
The new public event will see Guardians gather below the Pyramid Ship and fight enemies of the Light.
Season of Arrivals is live now for all Destiny 2 players.