Home News Blair Witch launches for Switch on June 25

Blair Witch launches for Switch on June 25

Blair Witch launches for Switch on June 25

Blair Witch is finally coming to Switch. Having been released digitally for PS4 and Xbox One in August 2019 and then physically on those consoles this January, Switch owners can now get in on the horror. Blair Witch is coming to Nintendo’s platform on June 25, 2020

Blair Witch is a first-person horror title based on the series of films.

In our review, Andrew Harrison wrote;

Blair Witch is a magical continuation of the movies, making reference back to them in the opening sequence. Bloober Team, the developers behind Layers Of Fear, another great psychological horror franchise has done a bang-up job on Blair Witch

Set in 1996, Blair Witch puts players in the shoes of a former police officer who joins the search for a missing boy.

Blair Witch Switch

At launch, Blair Witch on Switch will include the Good Boy Pack and the Super Rex mini-game. It will support;

HD Rumble, TV Mode, Tabletop Mode, Handheld Mode, and Touch Screen Support in the game menu

Blair Witch will launch for Switch on June 25, 2020.