Destiny 2 is coming to PS4 and Xbox One next week. Veteran Guardians know what to expect and what it’s all about. If you missed all the fuss the first time around, Bungie is here to help.
The new trailer, ‘What is Destiny 2?’ aims to answer any questions Kinderguardians might have. What is PvE and PvP? What are Engrams and looting all about? How do I level up? Why should I play? These are all valid questions and hopefully, the trailer can sort you out.
If not, well then I guess you’re out of luck. That being said, you should probably just go out and buy Destiny 2 anyway. It’s almost guaranteed to be one of the best games released this year.
Trust me.
Destiny 2 will be available for PS4 and Xbox One on September 6 and on PC on October 24.