Pokémon GO has finally received the update fans have been waiting for. Pokémon from Generation 2, aka Pokémon Gold & Silver are now available.
We’ve put together a Pokémon GO Generation 2 complete Pokémon list to help you complete your collection.
Late in 2016 developers Niantic added the ability to acquire some baby Pokémon via the egg hatching feature. As of February 17, 2017, there are brand new Pokémon in the wild.
Baby Pokémon
The seven baby Pokémon added in December are;
- Pichu
- Cleffa
- Igglybuff
- Togepi
- Smoochum
- Elekid
- Magby
Tyrogue was not included as part of the hatchable baby Pokémon, but is now able to be caught. Of the seven added, six evolve into a Generation 1 Pokémon. Togepi is the only baby Pokémon added in December with a Generation 2 evolution; Togetic.
All of the baby Pokémon that were added in December in eggs are now able to be caught in the wild. Tyrogue is also now available. It can evolve into Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee or the new Pokémon; Hitmontop.
A number of the Generation 1 Pokémon now have an evolution, though we’ll get into those in a separate guide. Below you’ll find a complete list of Pokémon now available in Pokémon GO.
Legendary Pokémon
There are Legendary Pokémon who are not available in the wild, like Generation 1’s Legendaries, but which will likely become available during special events. These are marked below.

Pokémon GO is available for Android and iOS.
Pokédex Number | Pokémon | Type 1 | Type 2 |
152 | Chikorita | Grass | |
153 | Bayleef | Grass | |
154 | Meganium | Grass | |
155 | Cyndaquil | Fire | |
156 | Quilava | Fire | |
157 | Typhlosion | Fire | |
158 | Totodile | Water | |
159 | Croconaw | Water | |
160 | Feraligatr | Water | |
161 | Sentret | Normal | |
162 | Furret | Normal | |
163 | Hoothoot | Normal | Flying |
164 | Noctowl | Normal | Flying |
165 | Ledyba | Bug | Flying |
166 | Ledian | Bug | Flying |
167 | Spinarak | Bug | Poison |
168 | Ariados | Bug | Poison |
169 | Crobat | Poison | Flying |
170 | Chinchou | Water | Electric |
171 | Lanturn | Water | Electric |
172 | Pichu | Electric | |
173 | Cleffa | Normal | |
174 | Igglybuff | Normal | |
175 | Togepi | Normal | |
176 | Togetic | Normal | Flying |
177 | Natu | Psychic | Flying |
178 | Xatu | Psychic | Flying |
179 | Mareep | Electric | |
180 | Flaaffy | Electric | |
181 | Ampharos | Electric | |
182 | Bellossom | Grass | |
183 | Marill | Water | |
184 | Azumarill | Water | |
185 | Sudowoodo | Rock | |
186 | Politoed | Water | |
187 | Hoppip | Grass | Flying |
188 | Skiploom | Grass | Flying |
189 | Jumpluff | Grass | Flying |
190 | Aipom | Normal | |
191 | Sunkern | Grass | |
192 | Sunflora | Grass | |
193 | Yanma | Bug | Flying |
194 | Wooper | Water | Ground |
195 | Quagsire | Water | Ground |
196 | Espeon | Psychic | |
197 | Umbreon | Dark | |
198 | Murkrow | Dark | Flying |
199 | Slowking | Water | Psychic |
200 | Misdreavus | Ghost | |
201 | Unown | Psychic | |
202 | Wobbuffet | Psychic | |
203 | Girafarig | Normal | Psychic |
204 | Pineco | Bug | |
205 | Forretress | Bug | Steel |
206 | Dunsparce | Normal | |
207 | Gligar | Ground | Flying |
208 | Steelix | Steel | Ground |
209 | Snubbull | Normal | |
210 | Granbull | Normal | |
211 | Qwilfish | Water | Poison |
212 | Scizor | Bug | Steel |
213 | Shuckle | Bug | Rock |
214 | Heracross | Bug | Fighting |
215 | Sneasel | Dark | Ice |
216 | Teddiursa | Normal | |
217 | Ursaring | Normal | |
218 | Slugma | Fire | |
219 | Magcargo | Fire | Rock |
220 | Swinub | Ice | Ground |
221 | Piloswine | Ice | Ground |
222 | Corsola | Water | Rock |
223 | Remoraid | Water | |
224 | Octillery | Water | |
225 | Delibird | Ice | Flying |
226 | Mantine | Water | Flying |
227 | Skarmory | Steel | Flying |
228 | Houndour | Dark | Fire |
229 | Houndoom | Dark | Fire |
230 | Kingdra | Water | Dragon |
231 | Phanpy | Ground | |
232 | Donphan | Ground | |
233 | Porygon2 | Normal | |
234 | Stantler | Normal | |
235 | Smeargle | Normal | |
236 | Tyrogue | Fighting | |
237 | Hitmontop | Fighting | |
238 | Smoochum | Ice | Psychic |
239 | Elekid | Electric | |
240 | Magby | Fire | |
241 | Miltank | Normal | |
242 | Blissey | Normal | |
246 | Larvitar | Rock | Ground |
247 | Pupitar | Rock | Ground |
248 | Tyranitar | Rock | Dark |