The PowerUp! Team

Leo Stevenson

Owner & Editor-in-Chief

I’ve been playing videogames for just about as long as I can remember. When I was four years old my Dad brought me home a NES and Super Mario Bros. and that was the beginning of a lifelong love affair.

Adam Mathew


I grew up knowing and loving a ludicrous amount of games, from dedicated Pong console onwards. Nowadays you'll find me covering and playing the next big things. Often on Stupid-Hard difficulty. Because I'm an idiot.

Kizito Katawonga

Tech Editor

I’ve been playing video games and playing with technology since the eighties as little kid growing up in beautiful Kampala, Uganda.

James Wood


I literally cannot recall a time in which video games weren’t a part of my life. A childhood hobby turned adult fascination, gaming has been one of my few constants.

Hope Corrigan


I am secretly several dogs stacked on top of one another in a large coat. I write and talk far too much about video games and tech. I also enjoy whinging about how Jet Set Radio Future never got a sequel.

Paul Verhoeven


Writer of Loose Units for Penguin. Host of ABC's Steam Punks. Host of 28 Plays Later. Unicorn enthusiast. Unicron enthusiast.

David Milner


David Milner began writing about games in 2011 as a distraction from the history thesis that was consuming his life. In 2018 he won best games journalist at the Australian IT Journalism Awards for his investigation into crunch and unhealthy working conditions in the industry. Beyond games, he's fond of Star Wars, heavy metal, football (soccer), and snowboarding. He tweets too much.

Jeremy Ray


Former managing editor at Fandom, co-creator of ABC TV's Good Game, maker of GameArena's 5 inch Floppy, and leader of F.Bang, the Counter-Strike: Source team that reached #1 in Australia. Jeremy "Junglist" Ray praises the sun and won't shut up about the Nameless King.

Jamie Sherlock

Esports Editor

I’m interested in all things RPG and stats. Unashamed Blizzard & Wizards of the Coast fanboy. If you got a problem with that you best roll initiative punk!

Kristian Bouboukis

Racing & Sports Editor

I’m an avid fan of racing games. I love the soothing, rhythmic nature of driving around a track. I can also play a plastic guitar better than you. Probably

Jayden Williams


I started playing video games on my grandmother’s Sega Master System (go, Alex Kidd!) and after almost three decades haven’t looked back. I’ve written for various gaming outlets over the years and enjoy playing across all console platforms and genre types.

Nathanael Peacock


I’m a big nerd. When I’m not gaming you’ll find me with my nose in a history book, rebuilding my PC, riding my motorbike or arguing about grammar. Oh, and Dynasty Warriors is cool, don’t believe anyone who says otherwise.

Andrew ‘Harry’ Harrison


I’m a loving husband and father of three. Gaming has been a massive part and influence in my life. Continuing this passion with my children or mates over a few cold ones is a blissful part of living

Lauren Harradine


I’m a hoopy frood who knows where her towel is. I grew up inciting my peers into NBA Jam matches on my beloved SNES, and writing fan fiction about Tetris; in runes, of course.

Genna Maskell


Give me a Nordic noir point and click resource management strategy RPG, add a dash of Lovecraftian mythos and some farming or crafting, and I’m a happy camper (also, I like camping).

Luke Clarke


Games have always been a big part of my life in all types of formats. I’m just as happy with a deck of cards or a bunch of miniatures as I am with a keyboard and mouse or controller.

Jackson ‘Jacko’ Wall


When I was a little cowboy my Dad said to me it’s all well and good to Yee-Haw but never forget to Haw-Yee. It was a metaphor for looking at both sides of the coin and it’s this bipartisan way of thinking that I hope to bring to each and every one of my reviews.

Greg Newbegin

Warframe Editor

I'm the host of the Cephalon Squared podcast and the webmaster for Cephalon Squared. While I've got a burning passion for Warframe, I'm an avid gamer, reader, and a fan of extreme metal music.