Now that you have Zombie Army 4 in your hot little hands, you’re probably going to want to collect all the hidden collectibles right? Of course, you are! That’s half of the fun…That being said, there are a tonne of collectibles in Zombie Army 4 and finding them all takes some work. Lucky for you, we’ve done all the hard work for you and have put together these handy guides to show you where everything in.
Overall, there are nine levels in Zombie Army 4 and each has four chapters except for the first and last levels which have three and one respectively.
Levels contain between five and 18 collectibles with most having 17.
Zombie Army 4 Collectibles – Hell Machine – Obliterate Hitler’s Army.
Zombie Army 4 Collectibles – Obliterate Hitler’s Army
In the video above, you can see where to find the five collectibles in this chapter. There is one Comic, one Document, one Upgrade Kit, Heroic Action and one Zombie Hand.
Inside the safe room, go to the left and inside the building. You’ll come to a wooden door. Open it and inside you’ll find a document.
As you leave the safe room, look up and to the left. There’s a soldier on a ledge being attacked. Kill all the zombies and keep him alive to earn the Heroic Action.
Once you’re inside the Hell Machine, move around the platform in a clockwise direction. Go up the stairs and look ahead. On the pipe, in front, you’ll find a Zombie Hand.
Once you’re in the sewer, make your way down to the end and go through the small opening. Inside you’ll find the comic on a metal crate. From here, go back the way you came and turn right through another tunnel. Climb up to the right and up a ladder.
In the room at the top, you’ll find an Upgrade Kit.
Zombie Army 4 is available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.