Nintendo has announced that a new entry in the Wii Sports franchise, dubbed Nintendo Switch Sports, is coming to Switch in April. Motion controls are still at the forefront in Nintendo Switch Sports and the trailer focuses on three revised sports and three new sports for the game.
Tennis, Bowling and Chambara are all making a return in Nintendo Switch Sports, with the same basic gameplay and motion controls from Wii Sports. New to Nintendo Switch Sports are Football, Badminton and Volleyball.
All three of these new games features motion controls with the Joy-Cons and Football even includes a penalty shootout mode where you can use the leg strap to use kicking motions.
Nintendo Switch Sports
Multiplayer is available both locally and online for all sports and online, players can play with friends or use matchmaking to play with anyone. An update is planned for Nintendo Switch Sports which will allow players to play Football with both the Joy-Con and leg strap. At launch, only shootout mode supports the leg strap.
An additional free update is scheduled for Spring in Australia and will add Golf to Nintendo Switch Sports. Best of all, an online beta is scheduled for February 19 and 20 to test the online functionality of Bowling Chambara and Tennis. Random matchmaking will be utilised in the beta so players won’t be able to play with friends.
A Nintendo Switch Online membership is required to take part in the beta. Registration for the beta opens on Wednesday, February 16 at 12 noon AEDT. To register, head to the Nintendo Switch Sports website.

Nintendo Switch Sports launches for Switch on April 29, 2022. The physical version of the game will be bundled with a leg strap for all the budding Football fans out there.