The weeks keep on ticking by… so fast! We couldn’t believe it had already been 6 months since the Helminth System had been added to Warframe, so given it was tipped to be such a massive change to the game, we decided we’d have a chat about exactly how much of an impact it has had on the game. Let us know your thoughts as well!
- News: Nightwave Intermission 3 is out, Winter Featured Dojo Contest is live, and… who was that featured on this week? Yep – Cephalon Squared!
- Discussion: The Helminth System 6 months later
- Beginner Topic: weapons needed to construct other weapons
- Advanced Topic: Sniper Combos
Yes – Cephalon Squared was featured on the Warframe Official website this week! Check it out at the link below:
Warframe Podcast

For all the show notes, check out the new website for the podcast – click here for this week’s notes.
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