As Dusk Falls is an interactive narrative game from INTERIOR/NIGHT. Coming to Xbox, As Dusk Falls focuses on “One town. Two families. Three decades of secrets.” Set in Two Rock, players will experience the collision of two families in 1999.
Caroline Marchal, Founder and Creative Director at INTERIOR/NIGHT said;
Most stories start at the beginning, but this story starts in the middle, gradually widening outward to encompass multiple points of view over a thirty year span; a story spiral that explores the past, present and future of a single dramatic night.
The idea behind As Dusk Falls is to ask questions and make the player learn about themselves. “When we play as a character, we experience their emotions and dilemmas from their point of view. But the choices we make for them remain very personal. The idea behind As Dusk Falls is to ask questions and make the player learn about themselves,” said Marchal.
As Dusk Falls
Marchal also asks;
Can you break free of the influence of a toxic, but loving, family?
Can you start over by moving home or changing jobs?
Can you overcome your past?
These questions explore the universal themes of legacy, resilience and sacrifice. By playing As Dusk Falls, you will experience these everyday dilemmas first-hand and decide how you want to shape the fate of real, flawed people who are trying to find their way in a world they don’t fit in.
To learn more about As Dusk Falls, follow the game on Twitter.