Red Bull Australia has launched a special three-part series, Red Bull Response, in order to give gamers advice on how to improve their game. The series focuses on three games, one per episode, with Rainbow Six: Siege the focus of episode one. In each episode, pro players and esports personalities will give players advice and tips.
Red Bull asked a range of questions on Twitter and compiled the responses to best understand what gamers were struggling with most. The series is, as described by Red Bull;
An opportunity to learn and improve game play, while also enjoying some playful banter between would-be competitors
Red Bull Response
The first episode is streaming now (above) and features esports coach and commentator Brandon ‘Raven’ Langiano and journalist and esports expert Joab Gilroy. The video gives players advice on Operators, Maps and more.
Future episodes will include;
Chiefs ESC’s Tom ‘Apocdud’ Henry joined by professional CS:GO commentator Jordan ‘Elvishguy’ Mays, and well known Dota 2 commentator Luke ‘Fluke’ Pate paired up with former pro player, now commentator, Joshua ‘DogletDota’ Caccamo.
Episodes will be released weekly from April 16th on the Red Bull Gaming YouTube channel.
- Red Bull Response – Episode 1: Rainbow Six Siege with @Raven_Casts and @Joabjojo – Thursday 16 April
- Red Bull Response – Episode 2: CS:GO with @DogletDota and @Flukedota3 – Thursday 23 April
- Red Bull Response – Episode 3: Dota2 with @Apocdud and @Elfishguy – Thursday 30 April