Home News Final Fantasy 14 Patch 5.2 is launching February 18, new trailer shows off content

Final Fantasy 14 Patch 5.2 is launching February 18, new trailer shows off content

Final Fantasy 14 Patch 5.2 is launching February 18, new trailer shows off content

Square Enix today gave Final Fantasy 14 players their best look yet at upcoming patch 5.2. Final Fantasy 14 Patch 5.2 continues the story of Shadowbringers, adds new content and gives players lots more to see and do. In addition to new Main Scenario Quests, Final Fantasy 14 Patch 5.2 adds a new Raid, new Dungeon, new Trial and more.

A trailer released today by Square Enix gives players a look at the new content including a tonne of combat and lots of story.

Players don’t have to wait too long until they get to play this new content either. Square Enix has announced that Final Fantasy 14 Patch 5.2 will launch on February 18.

Final Fantasy 14 Patch 5.2

Square Enix has provided details of the new content coming to Final Fantasy 14. You can read it below;

  • New Main Scenario Quests – The much-lauded narrative of Shadowbringers continues, as the Warrior of Darkness and the Scions of the Seventh Dawn await such time as the Crystal Exarch might return them home.
  • New Raid: Eden’s Verse – The second chapter in the Eden raid series will feature challenging new battles in both normal and savage difficulties, and also introduce the character of Gaia, created by famed FINAL FANTASY developer Tetsuya Nomura.
  • New Dungeon: Anamnesis Anyder – Tackle this new challenge alongside fellow adventurers, or a party of non-player characters using the Trust system.
  • New Trial: Cinder Drift – Players can challenge the Ruby Weapon in both normal and extreme difficulties.
  • New Beast Tribe Quests – The Qitari will provide new quests geared towards Disciples of the Land classes.
  • New Chronicles of a New Era Quest “The Sorrow of Werlyt” – Discover the lore behind the brand new Weapon series.
  • Ocean Fishing – This Fisher-exclusive content will allow players to board a ship at specified times to enjoy fishing on the high seas, receiving experience and scrips based off the fish caught. Meeting certain conditions while aboard will grant all passengers the chance of a big haul!
  • Ishgardian Restoration Update (Patch 5.21) – The next update in this content for Disciples of the Hand and Land will feature gatherer-specific content in the Diadem, high-level crafting challenges, a new ranking system, and more.
  • New “Resistance Weapon” Equipment Enhancement Quest Series (Patch 5.25) – This new quest series will feature regular updates from Patch 5.2 onward, allowing players to obtain powerful equipment as they learn more about the Hrothgar homeland, the Bozja Citadel. For years, Bozja─homeland of the Hrothgar─has remained at the mercy of Garlean rulers. But the Empire has fallen into disarray, and the people of Doma and Ala Mhigo have risen up to challenge their authority. The Bozjans, while heartened at this news, yet lack the means to join the rebellion. To that end, they seek a standard under which their people may gather. A weapon of legend…
  • Job Adjustments, Adjustments to PvP Actions, New Game+ Updates, Numerous Crafter and Gatherer Updates, and More

Patch 5.2 is coming to Final Fantasy 14 on February 18. The game is available for PC and PS4.