Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled is out now and you can read our review here.
Like all kart racers, there are plenty of Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled characters to choose. However, when you first start, you’ll be limited to eight characters.
The rest, you’ll need to unlock.
Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled Characters

When you start the game, you’ll be able to choose;
- Crash Bandicoot
- Dr. Neo Cortex
- Tiny Tiger
- Coco Bandicoot
- Dr. N. Gin
- Dingodile
- Polar
- Pura
In addition to these eight racers, there are 17 others characters to unlock. Six of these characters are unlocked through Adventure mode, one through Time Trials and the rest are unlocked via the game’s Pit Stop mode.
As you play Adventure mode you’ll have to race and beat Ripper Roo, Papu Papu, Komodo Joe, Pinstripe and Nitros Oxide. When you beat each of them you’ll unlock them to use. You’ll also unlock Fake Crash when you earn the Purple Gem in Adventure mode.

To unlock N. Tropy, players need to beat of all his times in Time Trial mode. To unlock N. Tropy’s Ghost you need to set a good time. Then you’ll be able to challenge him.
Once you beat all of his times, you’ll unlock him.
Finally, you can unlock these 10 characters in the Pit Stop Mode;
- Crunch
- Krunk
- Small Norm
- Big Norm
- Nash
- N. Trance
- Real Velo
- Geary
- Zam
- Zem
Pit Stop is Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled’s cosmetic shop. It’s here that you spend the Wumpa Coins you earn from racing. Each new character costs 1,500 Wumpa Coins, so get ready for some grinding.
In Pit Stop you can also unlock paint jobs, tyres, stickers and more.
All up, there are 25 Crash Team Racing Nitro Fueled characters. Good luck unlocking them.