A Plague Tale Innocence is a brand-new, story-driven adventure game from French studio Asobo. Set during the Dark Ages in France, A Plague Tale Innocence stars siblings Amicia and Hugo as they travel across France after tragedy strikes their family.
The story begins in the Kingdom of France, as the Hundred Years’ War and the emergence of the plague start to take a toll on the population. The De Rune family lives a still-peaceful, sheltered life in their castle and surrounding lands, but it can’t last…
The siblings will be pursued by plague rats, the Inquisition, the Black Death and more. Hugo has been stricken with a mystery illness that seems to have no cure and together they’re hunting for a Dr to cure him.
A Plague Tale Innocence
Asobo Studio is working to bring a “moving story of adventure and bonding through the darkest hours of history.”
Part adventure game, part walking simulator and part third-person stealth game, A Plague Tale Innocence is certainly intriguing.
We’ll be watching it closely in the lead up to release.
It will be available for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on May 14, 2019.