Townsmen A Kingdom Rebuilt is a remake of the 2016 game Townsmen.
It is a quirky spin on a medieval version of SimCity, or more like Settlers if you prefer. You can play the game in a story or objective driven mode, however, you are required to start with a tutorial that tasks you with building a certain building or acquiring a certain resource.
There are a couple of features in the tutorial that explains how to do something but it’s not shown. This leaves some buttons vague with no tooltip.
Once you work out these few oddly left-out instructions the game is quite intuitive and simple to advance. It’s definitely recommended to do all six tutorials to familiarise yourself with the ins and outs of Townsmen A Kingdom Rebuilt.
Townsmen A Kingdom Rebuilt Review
The original Townsmen was ported over from mobile devices where it was a free-to-play title with in-game microtransactions.
They are gone from this release and replaced with quests which will unlock the sorts of power-ups you would have paid for. Building things still take time in the way a mobile app would, but on the PC, this time only passes whilst in game.
The times required are shorter but feels like wasted time at points when you run out of things to manage while something is building. If you enjoy the slow grind of building a city much like SimCity, Townsmen will fill the void.
Although Townsmen is a remake, the main changes here seem to make the UI much more user-friendly on PC. The game’s soundtrack is a lovely accompaniment, though nothing incredible it’s not over the top and distracting from the game.
The rest of the game’s sounds, even when people talk to you seem very inspired by the Sims with random sounds instead of voice. Possibly another item left from the mobile game helping to keep the game small.
Rebuild and Repent
The campaign mode in Townsmen although a good learning tool plays like the free-play mode broken into chunks. Although this can be a good thing as you can pass a level and stop as opposed to being sucked into the game and spending hours building a medieval supercity.
To keep things fresh there are occasional outbreaks of fire. If you set your city up right though, these quickly become a non-issue. Along the same line,s you get occasionally attacked by bandits. These raids seem a little underwhelming though and added no real threat to your town. Again however this is welcome if you’re looking for a relaxing sim-styled builder.
If you own the original Townsmen you get a copy of this new one through steam for free which is a real bonus.
Townsmen A Kingdom Rebuilt is a decent remake of a free-to-play mobile title with the microtransactions pulled out.
Townsmen A Kingdom Rebuilt was played on PC using a code provided by the publisher.
PowerUp! Reviews

Game Title: Townsmen A Kingdom Rebuilt